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Based on clinically, well tested, standard formulations
ThermoBlast and VitriBlast are vitrification and thawing media optimised for blastocysts and based on well-tested, standard formulations (Lane et al). Since the formulations have been used considerably, Nidacon can provide you with a very detailed protocol for vitrifying and thawing blastocysts, just for your security.
The main problem when freezing cells is the formation of intracellular ice crystals during both cooling and warming/thawing, since these ice crystals have a detrimental effect on cell survival. Vitrification, the extremely rapid freezing of cellular material, makes it possible to freeze cells without forming ice crystals within the cells. The result of vitrification is a very homogeneous structure, an amorphous crystalline structure, as seen with glass and obsidian, materials which fracture easily, have sharp edges and smooth surfaces (glass transition). The cryoprotectants used for vitrification are a combination of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO), Ethylene Glycol, Sucrose and Ficoll. Nidacon’s VitriBlast for cooling and ThermoBlast for warming/thawing, can be used with different types of vitrification-devices, although we recommend our closed-system device.
ThermoBlast and VitriBlast are based on clinically, well tested, standard formulations (Lane et al). Numerous publications demonstrate their effectiveness regarding both survival of blastocysts and pregnancy rates. In addition, follow-up studies have been published on live-births, where a comparison is made with babies from fresh blastocysts, slow-frozen early cleavage stage embryos and vitrified blastocysts (Wikland M et al. 2010).
The Fertility Centre at Carlanderska Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, has been using this formulation since 2005 with excellent results. Blastocyst survival rates are 5% higher (84% vs 80%), and pregnancy rate per transfer is much higher (54% vs 37%), when compared to the slow-freezing technique for cleavage stage embryos.
Article No. / Name / Volume
TBK-010 / ThermoBlast Kit / 4×10 mL (Not available in Europe)
Ahlström A1, Westin C, Wikland M, Hardarson T., (2013)
Human Reproduction, Vol.28, No.5 pp. 1199–1209
Lane M et al, (1999)
Fertility and Sterility., Vol 72, No 6, pp1073-1078
Mukaida T et al. (2003)
Hum Reprod., Vol. 18, No. 2, pp384-391
Takahashi K et al. (2005)
Fertil Steril., Vol. 84, No. 1, 88-92
Wikland M et al. (2010).
Human Reproduction, Vol.00, No.0 pp. 1–9
T. Hardarson et al. (2006)
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 86 pp119-120