Under in-vivo conditions, potentially fertile spermatozoa are separated from immotile spermatozoa, cellular debris, and seminal plasma in the female tract by active migration through the cervical mucus.
Sperm quality also plays a very prominent role in achieving a pregnancy through ART, and a variety of procedures exist for selecting better quality sperm for egg fertilization, such as Density Gradient and Swim-up.
Tips and Tricks:
The ideal sperm separation technique should:
- Be quick, easy and cost-effective.
- Concentrate as many normal, motile spermatozoa as possible.
- Separate out the morphologically abnormal, the immature and the senescent sperm.
- Eliminate macrophages, leukocytes, cellular detritus, bacteria and virus particles.
- Remove toxic or bioactive substances, including decapacitation factors and reactive oxygen species (ROS).
- Select sperm with longer telomeres and eliminate sperm with DNA fragmentation.
- The Differential Density Gradient Technique is a gentle method of separating sperm from semen and is accepted as the state-of-the-art technology by reproductive specialists and scientists.