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Concentration of stallion sperm
Concentration of stallion sperm is often needed for the sperm cryopreservation procedure. Cushioned centrifugation is the most common procedure used, but this process can cause deleterious effects, including reduction in sperm quality as well as loss of sperm numbers and agglutination. Therefore SpermFilter®, a new technology, has been developed.
Article No. / Name / Volume
BTF-001 / SpermFiltere/ 1 pcs
Alvarenga M et al.
Anim. Rep. Sci. 121S (2010)S186-187.
Neto, C et al.
School of Vet med and Animal Sci, Sao Paulo State Univeristy, Brazil.
Neto C et al.
Journ of Equine Vet Sci, 2012 (In Press).