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We shall contribute to a sustainable world by taking responsibility for human welfare and our impact on the environment and society as a whole.
Every small step matters
In ecology, sustainability is the capacity to endure; it is how biological systems remain diverse and productive indefinitely. In more general terms, sustainability is the endurance of systems and processes. The principle for sustainability is sustainable development, which includes the four interconnected domains: ecology, economics, politics and culture.
Nidacon believes in the importance of our legacy and works actively to make a positive imprint and to take responsibility for our impact on our world. A more conscious use of resources is essential in order to maintain healthy ecosystems and environments. Having a well-functioning system for waste recycling was therefore a natural step for us.
We transport products all over the world and we compensate for the carbon emissions caused by these transports.
This means that we support emissions reduction projects that help mitigate the climate impact every tonne of carbon dioxide a parcel from Nidacon produces in transportation.
As a part of our sustainability efforts we have decided to help prevent the decreasing population of honeybees and thereby support an increase in biodiversity. This in turn will increase pollination in our local ecosystem. Therefore we are happy to welcome 30 000 new employees to the Nidacon family!!! They moved in in the beginning of summer 2019 and they seem to have settled in very nicely. Hopefully, they will be working very hard! We are of course talking about our new population of honeybees!!!
It’s all about reproduction
The variety of all life on our planet – biodiversity – is vital to life itself. Since May, approximately 30 000 hard-working honeybees in a beehive in the Nidacon backyard are securing the reproduction of the local flora around the company, thereby playing a crucial role in preserving biodiversity.
Biodiversity provides a source of significant economic, environmental, health and cultural benefits to mankind (food, medicine, raw materials and clothing). Unfortunately, biodiversity is on the decline and is resulting in a reduction of honeybees and other pollinators which now are becoming endangered species. Bees play a critical role in our ecosystem since the majority of all plants, and about one third of the world’s crops, require cross-pollination to reproduce and thrive.
A partnership with the organisation called Beepartners led to the beehive at Nidacon as part of our CSR work. Andrés Amaya Briñez, who started Beepartners, takes complete care of the hive, together with his wife Diana, but all employees at Nidacon are welcome to participate every time they check on the bees. This year the bees have produced around 25kg of honey. The colour and taste of the honey depends on where the bees have buzzed, i.e. what kind of flowers grow nearby. Our honey is golden brown and has a rich taste. Most of the honey has been packaged as PureHoney 100. However, some of it is left in the beehive so that the bees have food during the long, cold and dark winter of Gothenburg. The temperature in the beehive is kept around 20°C by the bees themselves, even if it is minus degrees outside! As soon as the temperature outside rises to about 10°C the bees start collecting and producing again.
Bee facts:
• A bee can fly up to three kilometres from the hive to collect pollen and nectar
• Bees eat pollen and nectar. Nectar is energy rich and pollen is a kind of protein which is needed for the brood (eggs, larvae and pupae) to grow and become bees.
• One beehive can produce 30-50 kg honey/year.
• Honeybee queen – the most important bee in the hive. She is responsible for the reproduction of the bees.
• Drones – male bees They are responsible for fertilizing the queen
• Worker bees – female bees without full reproductive capacity. They have many working tasks, such as collecting pollen, nectar and water, cleaning, guarding the hive, honeycomb building, etc.
Since we are all helping couples to fulfill their dreams of having a family, we feel that we have an extra responsibility for the children in the world. We are therefore supporting an organization called “We care”. Today they have three ongoing projects for “street children” in Nepal. Click here for their latest news letter. We put a lot of effort into choosing which organizations/projects we support but are open to your suggestions. Please, contact us with your thoughts!
We are also proud to be a member of an organization called CSR West Sweden which focuses on global sustainability within all the four interconnected domains mentioned above. We attended a very interesting seminar based on KPMG’s study on Global sustainability “Megaforces” . To ensure our continual development we will keep attending seminars, courses and conferences with this focus.
“These are just small steps but every step matters” – The Nidacon Team